Wednesday, February 10, 2010


extreme blizzard conditions an approx 12 inches of snow on the ground now with more expected means no training tonight. berlin is still in heat and im not battling sexy pants right now, so rah will do her open class tomorrow. maybe ill even train in the house today.

because i have no woooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrk. no work. no work.

im still waiting to hear from the cardiologist. im trying not to obsess. im also sending in entries for rah because gosh darnit the dog likes to show.


Amy / Layla the Malamute said...

I'm really hoping the best for news for the cardiologist. I really, really hope everything works out.

We're in the blizzard too - got 20 inches this past weekend, and it just keeps on coming. Enough's enough.

Sam said...

Yup, we've got the snow here, too, but I don't think our totals are as high as yours. We're at about a foot now.